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The Rolling University

I remember early on in my entrepreneur career. I was just getting started, learning the ropes and the heartache, the successes and failures, that came with being your own boss. I attended so many conferences, leadership events, personal growth and self development seminars all over the country. One of the greatest tips that I ever heard actually came from a stage right in my own backyard on a Saturday morning workshop.

I remember it like it was yesterday, sitting in the audience listening to one of my early mentors coaching on the tips and tactics of growing your own business. And one of the sessions he talked about was this idea of turning your vehicle into a “Rolling University”. This concept revolves around, at the time, buying as many audio CDs and keeping your car radio turned off and replacing that time spent in your car instead of listening to the radio, turn on educational DVDs.

I think most people in their lives have heard the idea of using your car to listen to educational info. What stood out to me was he mentioned during that talk something about, if you spend five years learning the subject and listening or learning upwards of 40 hours a week on the content, by the end of your fifth year you have the equivalency of with a PhD in education.

Now how real that?? I don’t know...but the point made sense to me. 

Why would I waste the time in my car, which is easily 1 hour a day, many days more, and spend that time listening to the radio. Which is just full of other businesses spending their money to sell me. I needed to learn how to sell!!

To this day, I seek info and especially in my truck. 

And last...podcast have eliminated the excuses of cost, ease and actually needing a cd!! Podcast are instant and most are free!!

Grow you. Turn your car into a Rolling University!


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