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Corporate Relevancy Strategist, Business Trainer, Media Specialist, Husband and Busy Dad

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10 Damn Good Reasons Why Amazon Could Disrupt Banking
SEPA for Corporates 16 Oct 2018 | Payments News Last week Bain & Company published research revealing the real challenge traditional...

How do you handle worry?
How do you handle worry? It’s a constant journey and a daily struggle for most people.  The good news is there is a solution, the...

Dealing with difficulties the right way.
Are you going through difficulty right now? How do you handle yourself during the difficult times of life? If you’ve read any of my past...

Checklist for a HOUSE FIRE. Not just for fire victims!
I highly encourage EVERYONE to read this. Regardless if you have lost your house to a fire our the likely hood it does happen to...

Go through your burned house for things you can salvage.
This is me walking out of our home a couple days after it burned down with two of the most precious items I had been looking for. Nearly...

Did your home burn down or do you know someone?
First, I’m not gonna say I’m sorry, personally , I got so tired of hearing those words. What I will say’s a journey. Be prepared...

A story of crushed up cans, a homeless military vet and integrity.
A few days ago i had someone ask me what  I stood for? It got me thinking. The majority of my adult life, my dad would make us crush the...

Why when you have an good idea, you should act on it. Plus, 8 tips to putting on a powerful event!
A few months ago, I had this idea to have a cool Christmas Party. Now, you have to realize, at the time I was thinking back yard BBQ,...

My TOP 5 recommended books.
I remember being 26 years old and getting the opportunity to have a mentor come into my life that started to ask me questions that really...

If faith was a scrabble many points would God give you?
Far to often, especially it seems lately, so many people are experiencing the greatness of the action of faith. For the record, fear and...
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